One way to do this is to press Command-Option-Esc, select the app in the list that appears, and then click Force Quit.
If other apps respond, and especially if the SPOD appears only when you hover the pointer over a window or menu belonging to the app that was in the foreground when your Mac stopped responding, try force-quitting that app. Switch to another app: Try switching to another app-for example, by clicking its Dock icon or pressing Command-Tab. If your symptom is an unresponsive Mac-perhaps featuring the dreaded spinning wait cursor, sometimes refered to as the “spinning beach ball” or as I like to call it, the “spinning pizza of death” (SPOD)-you’ll need to narrow down the cause. Sometimes, however, an app freezes but doesn’t quit. When an application crashes a second time after you relaunch it, OS X asks if you want to reopen its windows. (If it continues to crash, follow the steps below, beginning with “Restart.”) Either way, as long as the app functions correctly from then on, you can go about your business. I suggest clicking Don’t Reopen, on the theory that something in one of the open windows may have caused the crash. Skip reopening windows: If the app crashes again after you relaunch it, you’ll see a message asking whether you want to reopen the windows that were open the last time.

If you change your preferences to prevent crash reports being sent to Apple automatically, a dialog box like this appears when an app crashes.